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Swift build machine

How to login

  • ssh into the VM from GCP
  • sudo su github-actions
  • cd /github-actions
  • the password for the github-actions user is nGeWPK15FouRZc9jv4DO

How to configure the VM

install docker-compose

  • sudo apt install docker-compose

    install flyway and run the initial migration

    cd /github-actions
    wget -qO- | tar xvz && sudo ln -s `pwd`/flyway-9.8.1/flyway /usr/local/bin
    /github-actions/flyway-9.8.1/flyway -v
    cd /github-actions/projects/wisk-api-master/wisk-api/DB/InitialDBCreation/
    github-actions/flyway-9.8.1/flyway migrate -configFiles=./flyway-docker-compose-local.conf