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Mobile App Tools

  • Xcode

Backend Tools

  • Xcode - for Swift development
  • IntelliJ for Kotlin and PHP development
  • Postman for API testing
  • Airtable for Sendgrid templates
  • DataGrip for database management


  • GitKraken


  • For opneing the project just need to open the Package.swift
  • For Wisk-Api project make sure choose mac from devices and then run the project
  • If you get any error related to connection to databases check your internet connection img_21.png

VSCode for Swift

  • Install VSCode:
  • For openning up the project, drag the root folder (containing Package.swift) into VSCode icon.
  • There is this loom as some visual help for using VSCode. This document is more up-to-date than that loom.
  • Search and install these extensions:
    • Swift (the sswg one)
    • “SwiftFormat” formatting extension (not “swift-format”)
    • Prettier
    • JSON/YAML extension of your choice
    • Search Git/GitHub and install a few you’d like, like “GitHub Pull Requests”, “GitHub Actions”
    • GitHub Copilot: Ask Chip for access to Copilot
    • Dev Containers
    • Error Lens
  • All projects come with workspace settings located at ./vscode/settings.json.
  • All projects come with some launch configuration that contains required environment variables, similar to Xcode schemes, located at ./vscode/launch.json.
  • You can install a new theme like GitHub’s theme.
  • Generally use COMMAND+SHIFT+P to see actionable options.
    • Use COMMAND+SHIFT+P -> “Format Document” to format your written code.
    • Use COMMAND+SHIFT+P -> “User Settings” -> search “format” and enable some automatic formatting such as “Format on Save”/”Format on Paste”.
  • Use COMMAND+SHIFT+B to see build options.
  • Use COMMAND+P to search the project file names.
  • Use Run and Debug icon on the left side bar to run the project.
    • You can use breakpoints as well.
    • See this loom for how to run in VSCode.
  • Use Dev Containers to debug locally on Linux, with the help of Docker.
    • Useful for stuff like debugging what is going wrong in Linux CI.
    • See this loom.
    • Two things not explicitly mentioned in the loom: Install the “Dev Containers” extension as well as the Docker desktop app.

Project Management

  • Monday
    • If you want to connect your PR to the Monday task just need to click on the task use menu from top-right and use Copy Item link and put it on your PR message/commit.
  • Notion
  • Loom
    • login using the gmail account


  • After install the DataGrip you need to use licence for using non-trial (take it from Chip)
  • Create new project and from right side bar choose plus button then choose DataSource and then Postgres img_22.png
  • Postgres Config:
    • DEV: host:, user: —-, password: —–
    • STAGE: host:, user: —–, password: —–
    • PROD: host:, user: —-, password: —-
    • img_2.png
    • In schemas show all Databases
    • img_5.png
    • img_6.png
  • Postgres - for local development - this requires that you have a local postgres instance running - see the in the wisk-api project
    • host: localhost, user: wiskdbuser, password: password
    • img_7.png


      Once you are logged in using

  • You must first call API Authentication Wisk Solutions from WISK/Login direcoty to get token then you can call other api’s
  • For Developing on your machin you must use API Local envoirment
  • If you faced with this error when calling Api’s, run this command for fixing the issue lsof -ti:8000 | xargs kill img_20.png

  • generate a token img_14.png
  • then call any other API (it will use the recently generate token)