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Technical interview test

In this test we want to have a conversation with the potential hire around code. This is a live coding test. We have 60 minutes scheduled, 30-45 minutes should be coding and the rest will be general conversation about the test or anything else that might arise.

    struct Person {
        let name: String
        var children: [Person] = []
    let peoples = [
        Person(name: "Mary",
               children: [Person(name: "Roi",
                                 children: [
                                   Person(name: "Ali", children: [Person(name: "Chip")]),
                                   Person(name: "Rudolf", children: [Person(name: "Judith"), Person(name: "Christine")])
                          Person(name: "Aaron", children: [Person(name: "Mohamed")])
        Person(name: "Eve", children: [Person(name: "Ryan")])
    let expectedString =
    |  |--Roi
    |  |  |--Ali
    |  |  |  |--Chip
    |  |  |--Rudolf
    |  |  |  |--Judith
    |  |  |  |--Christine
    |  |--Aaron
    |  |  |--Mohamed
    |  |--Ryan
    if result == expectedString {
    } else {

What to look for in the interview process in general:

  • The planning phase before writing code
  • Does the candidate verbalize the thinking process
  • The time is takes to complete. It needs to be under 30 minutes.
  • The code quality
  • If the thinking process clear?
  • Does the candidate ask questions?
  • Does the candidate have a good understanding of the problem?
  • Does the candidate get stuck? This is not a good sign.

We should not influence the candidate in any way, we want to leave him/her to think and code on their own. We should not give hints or help. If we need to help it’s a weakness sign

This is the Kotlin equivalent:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    val persons = listOf(
        Person("Mary", children = listOf(
            Person("Roi", children = listOf(
                Person("Ali", children = listOf(Person("Chip"))),
                Person("Rudolf", children = listOf(Person("Judith"), Person("Christine")))
            Person("Aaron", children = listOf(Person("Mohammed")))
        Person("Eve", children = listOf(Person("Michael")))

    val expectedString = """|--Mary
|  |--Roi
|  |  |--Ali
|  |  |  |--Chip
|  |  |--Rudolf
|  |  |  |--Judith
|  |  |  |--Christine
|  |--Aaron
|  |  |--Mohammed
|  |--Michael"""

    val result = printPersonTree(persons)

    if (result == expectedString) {
    } else {

data class Person(val name: String, val children: List<Person> = emptyList())

fun printPersonTree(persons: List<Person>, level: Int = 0, first: Boolean = true) : String {
    val sb = StringBuilder()
    for ((index, person) in persons.withIndex()) {
        if(!first || index > 0){
        sb.append("|  ".repeat(level))
        sb.append(printPersonTree(person.children, level + 1, false))
    return sb.toString()