Wisk-php project
We have PHP project as a seed in module-laravel
It uses Laravel 9.2
- Wisk was initially developed in PHP Laravel.
- Then we moved the business logic to Swift and Kotlin
- The only part that remains, that we kept because it’s solid, it’s the PDF generation
- Specifically the library mPDF, that transforms HTML to PDF, is very good so we kept it.
- Later we added a custom XLS generation
- Maatwebsite Excel is a very good library for that
- We also use Horizon for queue management, this is put in a separate repository, see below
Currently, Wisk uses PHP Laravel for a few very specific tasks:
- generate PDFs using the mPDF library
- generate XLS files
- Quick note: the main inventory/consumption XLS are generated in Kotlin https://github.com/WiskSolutions/wisk-xls
The repository is https://github.com/WiskSolutions/wisk-php
Code structure
- The project is build in PHP Laravel
- You can find the supported routes in routes/web.php
Inventory download
Route::post('/inventory/{id?}/pdf', ['uses' => 'App\Http\Controllers\PDFDownloadController@download_inventory_pdf']);
In PDFDownloadController you can find the code for generating the PDF
public function download_inventory_pdf(Request $request, $inventory_id)
In PDFReportProcessor
public function generate_inventory_pdf_data($inventory_id, $venue_id, $location_id = null)
This code will call the resources/views/print.blade.php template and will generate the html for the PDF
$html = view('print', $data)->render();
How to run the project locally
Install PHP
brew install php
composer update
php artisan serve --port=8888
Starting Laravel development server:
In order to call an API that’s deployed locally you need to change the wisk-php .env file to point to the local API
Note: if order for the wisk-api to communicate with the local wisk-php instance you have to change the WISK_PHP
schema variable (please see more details in the swift setup document)
Example (for wisk-api running locally): WISK_PHP=
By default PHP will communicate with the WISK Dev API to fetch the data
class API
public static function fullPath($path) {
$url = env('API_HOST', 'https://api.wisk.dev');
In Postman we have a collection for testing the PHP project
XLS download
The structure is very similar to the PDF download It uses the PHP library called Maatwebsite https://github.com/SpartnerNL/Laravel-Excel
Route::post('/inventory/locations/spreadsheet', ['uses' => 'App\Http\Controllers\XLSDownloadController@download_inventory_by_location_xls']);
Wisk Queue Horizon wisk-queue-horizon
This project is also built using PHP Laravel with Horizon
Horizon provides a beautiful dashboard and code to manage the queue
See the README.md from the project for more details, it will help you to run the project locally