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This is the WISK DNA.

  • It’s a collection of all the knowledge about the WISK system.
  • It guides the development of the system and helps us to make decisions.
  • It’s a living collection of document that will be updated as WISK evolves.

It contains:

  • the documentation (what exists)
  • the specs (what’s coming)
    • it allows use to collaborate on the decision process
    • every major WISK evolution will go through a PR process, where we can validate the specs and plan for the implementation

It was build using Jekyll and with the Just the Docs theme.

How to run locally

If [Jekyll] is installed on your computer, you can also build and preview the created site locally. This lets you test changes before committing them, and avoids waiting for GitHub Pages. And you will be able to deploy your local build to a different platform than GitHub Pages.

Run the following commands in your terminal:

bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve

Then go to the URL http://localhost:4000 in your browser.

How to add a new page

  • Create a new file in the docs folder
  • Add the following header to the file:
    layout: default
    title: Page name
    parent: Documentation

How to add a child of a child page

  • in the subfolder, create a new file
    • ---
      layout: default
      title: Page name
      parent: Parent page name
      grand_parent: Documentation

      Note: the grand_parent is the parent of the parent page

Naming conventions

  • create the files with the prefix to ensure the order of the pages, e.g.